When I was a kid of about ten or eleven I went to a slide presentation at our church by some missionaries who had just returned from an exotic place like Africa or Yemen or Madagascar. I'm sure I didn't really want to be there and only went along to please my parents. I sat, half paying attention and half daydreaming about Neil Hansen as the slide carousel clicked around and the presenter said, "Blahblah blah blah." Suddenly up flipped the image of the most enchantingly bizarre creature I had ever seen, and the missionary guy said, "And this little guy was my pet. He's a Veiled chameleon."
After that I wanted a chameleon in the worst way but settled for the anoles (generic-looking lizards that change color) I bought off a burlap-covered board at the Puyallup Fair. One even lived in Mom's Boston fern in the dining room for a couple years until he got lost in the drapes. We finally found him when he was nearly dead, starved to a cold brown twig. It took six or seven live flies to bring him back to his vibrant green, then he enjoyed his heat lamp in his new glass cage for at least another year.
Ages later, when I was in my twenties, I fell in love with a guy because he said to me, "Chameleons? They have prehensile eyeballs." I was nothing if not discerning.
Today I took Iona to the special exhibit at the aquarium: Lizards and the Komodo King. I couldn't get enough. Finally Iona turned to me and said, "Mom, I am through with lizards!" and walked out.
Panther chameleon
Panther chameleon showing off
A legless lizard!
That's MISTER Komodo to you, buddy