I don't usually follow the trends of the internets, but I vote pro-choice and I have decided, a day late for NARAL, to state why I vote pro-choice.
I decide what to do with my body, and I trust other women to decide to do with their bodies, without interference from anyone else.
More importantly, I want my daughter and my nieces to have safe options for their bodies, for their whole lives. I trust my daughter's future self to make the decisions that are right for her, though I will be here to take care of her for as long as I can.
Women and let's face it and be realistic, girls, must continue to have access to birth control and disease prevention. Pro-choice is not just about the right to get an abortion. It's about the right for women to choose, and choose safely. If you trust the women in your life, please vote pro-choice at every level of government.
For a way more expanded and articulate description of how I feel written by Bitch Ph.D., click here. (I've posted this link before.)